Stunning Star-Shaped Taiwan Tower With Built-In Wind Turbine

翻譯: Patrick.H
台中市最近為建造一座具指標性且能代表台灣精神的塔舉辦了國際競圖比賽,收到了來自世界各國許多的計劃書. 其中一份由葡萄牙為主的團隊(還有與西班牙、美國合作的OOIIO) OODA Architecture 所設計出的"台灣塔" 計劃書在競賽中因為其獨特的建築與綠建築設計 - 包括一座位於塔頂的垂直風力渦輪機 - 得到了優等獎.
這座塔的靈感來自於台灣的鑽石工業、 傳統的日本摺紙藝術、艾菲爾鐵塔、還有來自於台灣國旗上的星星(不過設計圖上有中國國旗...). 綜合以上特質,這座塔的外觀有一個大型的星形、
多面體的設計. 這座高 350 公尺的綠能建築底部有三個出入口,分別進入內部的給台中市政府的辦公室、休閒與娛樂活動空間、販售與教育中心,還有台中市政府的新博物館.
為了永續使用,這座塔包括有整合式的照明系統,遮陽與通風系統以保持室內的能源效率被有效使用. 陽光透過窗戶照進室內時會在地板、天花板與牆壁間反射以確保室內的每個空間都能被照射到,然而一旦太熱時,遮陽系統會自動啟用以減少熱量進入. 塔的中庭空間可讓熱空氣上升後穿越塔頂的垂直風力渦輪機來使其轉動. 其他還有高效能的光感應照明系統、地板輻射加熱、雨水收集、節水系統與室內花園.

The City of Taichung recently sought proposals for an iconic new tower to serve as a landmark and a symbol of Taiwan´s spirit. One of the proposals in the design competition was the 'Taiwan Tower' designed by Portugal-based OODA Architecture in collaboration with the Spanish and American studio OOIIO
. The stunning star-shaped tower received a Merit Award in the competition based on its unique architecture and green building strategies that include a vertical-axis wind turbine in the very tip of the tower.

The tower』s form was inspired by Taiwan』s diamond industry, traditional origami, the Eiffel Tower, and the star, which is part of Taiwan』s flag. Combining all of these visual icons together into one building results in a large star-shaped, multi-faceted tower designed to rival Taiwan』s other famous skyscrapers. The eco tower would stand over 350 meters tall and includes offices for Taichung City Government, leisure and recreational spaces, retail and educational centers, and the new Museum of Taichung City Development.

As for sustainable strategies, the tower would include an integrated daylighting, shading and ventilation system to maintain the interior climate in an energy-efficient manner. Sunlight reaches in through the windows and bounces off floors, ceilings and walls to reach the interior of each volume, while automatic shades reduce heat gain when it gets too hot. The building』s atrium spaces allow hot air to rise up and out of the tip-top of the tower, where a vertical axis wind turbine takes advantage of the draft. The building also features high performance lighting with photosensors, radiant floor heating, rainwater collection, water-efficient fixtures and interior garden spaces.

OODA Architecture and OOIIO』s proposal received a Merit Award for the Taiwan Tower Conceptual Design International Competition, which weighed criteria at 50% for Architecture and 50% for Structure, Green Solutions and Office Portfolio.







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