New Envion Facility Turns Plastic Waste into $10/Barrel Fuel

by Ariel Schwartz, 09/16/09     譯:Patrick. H

What if we could turn all the plastic waste we create on a daily basis into fuel to power our cars? A Washington, DC-based company called Envion$10 per barrel. According to Envion, the resulting fuel can be blended with other components and used as either gasoline or diesel.

一間由 Washington. DC 所持有的公司 Envion 宣稱其可將塑膠轉成每桶只要10美金,類似油的燃料。該公司指出,最終的燃料可與其他物質混合以當成汽油或柴油來使用。

Envion makes its plastic-to-oil conversion by heating up plastic to a pre-set temperature using infra-red energy. The process removes hydrocarbons without the use of a catalyst, resulting in a net gain of captured energy–82% of all material that goes in is transformed into fuel. In the past, attempts to turn plastic into fuel have resulted in a net loss of energy.



Each Envion machine can process up to 10,000 tons of plastic waste each year (including bottle caps) and produce three to five barrels of fuel per ton with a total electricity cost of 7 to 12 cents per gallon.

每一台 Envion 的機器每年可處理最多一萬噸的塑膠廢棄物(包括瓶蓋)並且每噸產生三到五桶的燃料,過程中每加侖只需花費7~12美分的電力。


We'll find out soon whether Envion's process works as well as the company claims — the $5 million inaugural plastic-to-fuel plant opened today in Washington, DC, and an undisclosed company has already agreed to buy Envion's product to blend into vehicle fuel.

某間不表態的公司已表示將會購買 Envion 的產品來製造汽車燃料。

Envion is demonstrating its plastics-to-oil technology at the waste center in Montgomery County. (Photos By Katherine Frey -- The Washington Post)

The final product is a synthetic oil that can be made into vehicle fuel. (Katherine Frey - The Washington Post)


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